Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Momo - Seeing doubles

Seeing Doubles. MoMo just woke up from her afternoon siesta ...
or 'philosophi-sing' in her little brain. Well she does talk to herself even when she sleeps.

Momo@The Arts House

The Art House at the Parliament at night with Shenton Way (Singapore Central Biz District) as the backdrop. MoMo, well there she is frolicking on the grass, thoroughly enjoying herself.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Gothic Momo

Gothic MoMo by night! A walk to the Arts House at the Parliament reveals a devilish MoMo at midnight.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Up and About ! Ready to Rumble !

MoMo wakes up for a brand new day !

This is MoMo taking a quick nap after a day of travel and fun.